Monday, May 19, 2014

A Matter of Forever- Blog Tour

I'm excited to bring you my review of A Matter of Forever, the fourth and final installment of Heather Lyon's wonderful Fate Series!!! 

A Matter of Forever by Heather Lyons

It all comes down to this . . .

Chloe Lilywhite has struggled for years to find her footing in a series of dangerous and demanding worlds. Creator, first tier Council member, and one of the most powerful Magicals in existence, she was little more than one of Fate’s pawns. But now, Chloe is back home and ready to call the shots. She knows what she wants and who she wants to be.

Except the Elders never got the memo.

Annar and Magical-kind are under attack. The lives of Chloe’s loved ones, and life as they know it, are at stake. Chloe's the key to taking the Elders down, but they won't go quietly into the night.

This time, neither will Chloe.

*This is a New Adult title, suitable for readers 18+.

This review doesn't contain spoilers for A Matter of Forever, but if you haven't read the series, you might be a bit lost. I suggest checking out my reviews of the other books and then I also suggest you juts pick up the books, you won't regret it because they are AMAZING! 

A Matter of Forever Review: 
I don't even know how to state how wonderful this series is and how heart wrenching this last book was for me.  I had to sit with this story for a few days to truly take it all in. I was scared to start, knowing what Chloe, Jonah, and Kellan had to deal with. I devoured this book in almost one setting. I was an emotional mess through it all as Chloe finally finds her forever. 

The last ten percent? Tears. I was in major tears. What I loved about this final book was that Heather was true to her story and while some decisions were hard, they had to be made. The final book in series can be hard to write, so bravo to Heather to delivering a gut wrenching conclusion to Chloe's journey. 

This book has it all, action, romance, and trust me when I say each book brings you through a range of emotions that finds you happy and sad in only a few moments. I felt for these characters like I knew them in real life and all I wanted was for every character to have their HEA. There were no villains in this story (minus the elders- creepy fellows if I might add).

In the end, I was truly moved by this journey Chloe goes on and I loved watching her grow into this strong, independent woman, loved by many. I loved how Heather explores connections and the love we have for one another and how in many cases, love is complicated and messy and wonderful all at the same time. 

I will say at the end, I wanted more and I wasn't ready to let certain characters go, but I understood the choices that were made, even if they were hard choices that left me in a puddle of tears. 


About the Author 

Heather Lyons has always had a thing for words—She’s been writing stories since she was a kid. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. Heather is a rabid music fan, as evidenced by her (mostly) music-centric blog, and she’s married to an even larger music snob. They’re happily raising three kids who are mini music fiends who love to read and be read to.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My next writing adventure...

A book update!!! Finding June has been out for 2 months and currently on a review tour with Between the Sheets Promotion and you can follow along with the tour (as well as enter the giveaway for Amazon gift cards) here: Finding June Review Tour May 5-9

When I wrote Finding June, I had no plans to continue on with June and Reece's story or with the characters I created. As I am sure most authors find out, I wasn't ready to let go of these characters I had created. They had more to say. So, I decided to write two more books about these characters!!! As well as named the series.

The Tell Me Series 

Finding June- Tell me your story....

Being Jolene- Tell me your secrets....

Seeing Hannah- Tell me your fears....

:) If you've read Finding June, you've might have gotten a glimpse into what these stories could possible be about. First up is Being Jolene. I am so excited to share Jolene's story with you! My plan is to have a late Fall release, but I'm not promising anything. If you follow my blog and this post here you'll know that my husband and I are living a bit of a gypsy lifestyle. Long story short, we are spending the next 4-5 months in central Idaho (where I had planned on setting Jo's book anyways! Yay for happy coincidences) and after that we have NO idea where we will be or where we are working. So bear with me but know I am hard at work on working on Jolene's book.

Jo's book is much different than June's. Jo has secrets. I found this on pinterest and I LOVE it for Jo's story. LOVE.

And I can't wait till you all read this book. AND for those who want more June and Reece, no worries, trust me, there story isn't over yet either and you will see that in Jo's story and Hannah's!!!  While you wait make sure to three things:

1- Add Being Jolene to your Goodreads TBR----- Add Here

2. Spread the word! If you loved Finding June, spread the work about June's story and Jo's!!

3. Check out Being Jolene's Pinterest Board!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Life Updates and the Unknown

Engagement Picture: October 2010

We have finally started to pack. It all seems to be coming up so soon.

What exactly is coming up or changing? Well, it seems that almost everything is changing. Just today (Tuesday) I defended my final paper for my masters degree and passed! Packing has been going on full blast and our apartment is in pieces.

See, back in March I accepted a job.....well....a summer job. In a tiny isolated town in beautiful central Idaho, I accepted a summer position with a non profit up working as a historic specialist where I will help doing various tasks including working in a museum (and living there! It's an old historic ranger station. The history nerd in me squeals with delight about it all!) and leading tours. I. am. so. excited.

Accepting the job meant a few things. One was that DJ had to wait to start looking for jobs. That was okay because he is still finishing Calc II. It also meant that we needed to pack up our apartment, put everything in storage and take up personal items only.  D quit his job at Wingers. I finished school. All life changes coming at us 100 miles per hour.

So basically I tell people this: Yes we packed up all our stuff and spending the summer in central Idaho and oh come fall, we might be homeless and jobless if we don't find employment by end of summer.

Most people's response: Wow. That's scary!!

Thank you kind people for pointing out that yes, indeed, it's scary as hell. But also exciting and adventurous and when will we ever have a chance to do this again? We don't have a mortgage, or kids, or steady jobs and why not?

D and I are ready for a change. I thrive and grow on change. But that of course doesn't mean I'm not a little sad to say goodbye to my home of 7 years, 5 of which where in the same apartment.

As I sat in the tornado of our belongings, packing up box after box of books (I'm up to 8 :) I got a bit sentimental.

For the last 5 years we have lived in a tiny apartment and I couldn't help but of all the life that happened in that place. D and I moved into together in this apartment, we got engaged here, we got married here, we rearranged the place after the wedding to make it feel new.

We experienced joy, sadness, death, 4 funerals, a few weddings. We fought in this apartment and fell even more in love. We laughed so hard I'm sure our neighbors heard us (probably fought as loud. You're welcome neighbors! Payback for the times we heard your squeaky bed. *shudders*)

 I found out my dad had cancer, that he was in remission and that it had come back while living here. I graduated college in this apartment and finished my masters degree. DJ's car got broken into twice here (one time, even got his stuff back). We had drunken dance parties and threw down countless bottles (sometimes boxes) of wine with friends. I found out our journey towards kids would be different than everyone's else's. I wrote a book here. We took vacations here (Vegas, road trips, Florida) We had yearly gumbo nights and pumpkin carving where we ate too many tootie frooties (JK-no such thing). So many things.

 So I sat in the room with a plastic cup full of red wine, surrounded by books and boxes and I cried over all the life that happened here. All the good and bad and everything in between.

Yes, D and I are scared about the unknown but I know that together we make a pretty good team and we will be fine as long as we have each other. That while it might be scary it's also exciting and I can't wait to see what adventures are in store for us.

I plan on blogging more this summer about all the cool things we do and see in central Idaho. No worries, I have a list ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Books You Should Be Reading (Jan-March)

Happy April!!! Holy Crap it's April!!! Time has seem to escape me again. Sigh. Since the new year my reviewing has been sad, as in I've only done one, wait...maybe two. But I've read some great books since the new year, so every so often I will drop in and tell you the books I've loved and why you should pick them up :) Without further ado....

I've read 72 books so far this year...

These are the ones I LOVED.

The Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons
This is a New Adult story of Medusa. It's a magical tale of redemption and love and all the wonderful things. I did do a review for this one (yay, go me) and you can check it out here My Review


Buy Link

Drawn Me In by Megan Squires 

This book was SUCH a pleasant surprise. I truly loved it! I've read Megan Squires before and loved her book and then on a whim I picked this one up. It was so good! And I will say this, there is a certain book that people are almost obsessed with and this book deals with the same issues, slightly. (I would say what book, but then it gives it away and yeah...I don't want to do that) and honestly, I thought this story was much better. Trust me when I say that this book is amazing! 

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

GAH this book. It was hands down the best ending to a trilogy I have ever read. Ever. So do yourself a favor and just read all three books. 

With This Heart by R.S. Grey 

I literally read this book a couple days ago. It was wonderful! I found the characters delightful and their banter was hilarious! Plus I always fall for the good guy.  Yay for good guys and road trips and heartfelt story lines! So yay for this book! 

Lick by Kylie Scott 

If you can't tell, I'm a bit of a fan of the good guys. I am normally not impressed by alpha males. This book was a surprise for me because I loved it! And honestly, I don't think the main character in this book is an alpha male, at all. A rockstar, yes, but not so much alpha male. He was sweet and kind and a little broody and Ev, the female in this book, was wonderful and real! Yep, loved this book. 

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

This book is a bit of a given because, hello?!?!? Colleen Hoover. I bow down to her greatness. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Adventuring: Our Narnia, Our Story

For months I have been trying to write this post. I have saved drafts that sit there...not knowing exactly how to say what I wanted. How to express myself, which ya know, I'm a writer- it should be easy but it never was, I could never write out what I wanted to express. I saw something the other day that spurred this post though, and made me finally write it.

You know how on Pinterest and you keep seeing those cheesy cute little pictures and craft ideas that say basically....First comes loves, then comes marriage, and then comes baby carriage....ect, ect. How that in three easy steps you have found happiness. A nice little package of happy that seems to gloss over all the life that takes place between those steps. I think a downfall of social media is that often times that life between those steps are glossed over. We post the happy things and there is nothing wrong with that. So, don't think that I don't understand that life happens to everyone, we all have our struggles.

But with that said, I'm a pretty honest person and I've never been one to shy away from the life that happens in between the steps.  Today, I'm sharing with you a part of our story, insecurities and struggles and all. D and I, our story goes more like this.

First comes dating where we were super young and pretty different but we were still able to find love...

Then four years later (still super young) comes a super sweet honeymoon!!! (And marriage...that too. Two people saying the perfect words that binded us together, our hearts and soul)

And then comes..........

See. This is where I struggle. It seems (and I'm sorry but I'm totally blaming this part on where I live. Holy babies everywhere. Holy young people my age having babies and lots of them) that the next step that is you settle down and have kids. That's the story. Right?

I've struggled with this in so many ways. Because this seems to be the appropriate plan. The approved plan. 

But it was never my plan, at least at not at this point in our lives. No, this wasn't D and I's story. For us the next step is adventuring, living life just the two of us, new experiences with my other half...that's the next step for our story (This summer in Stanley, Idaho and then after that...who knows! But we are excited!)

Everyone's story is different. And those who have kids, they're story is wonderful too and works for them. For me, it wasn't just that I didn't want kids right now but instead it was how our lives changed this last October.

After a doctors visit and blood work I was told that I probably can't have kids. That I have about a 2 or 3 % chance of ever conceiving naturally. For a girl who was nervous about kids already, who never really had motherly urges, and living in an area where people married young and procreated like it was going out of style, it was a lot to take in. My self-esteem totally bombed. Everything I thought I knew drastically changed. I was overwhelmed and sad. I was so sad that this was taken away from me, even if I wasn't so sure on this whole kid thing. And I was also grieving the loss of probably never being able to hold a baby that had DJ's beautiful green eyes and my blonde hair, or my nose or DJ's ears. I had to let that idea go. 

I saw a counselor because I didn't know how in the world to deal with all this. My thoughts were all over and racing in a million directions. I wasn't depressed, though some might think I am (or was). Mostly it's because when I'm around certain people I have no idea what to say, how to connect, so I don't say a lot. I had days where I was sad, of course, but I still got out of bed every day. I got straight As and self published a book. I laughed with friends and smiled. I was just a little lost and totally out of my element, though, and so I knew I needed to find a way to fit this new way of thinking in my life. 

With the help of counseling, I'm gaining my self confidence back. If you know me, you know I don't really bullshit around. I know my flaws and strengths and I've never really hated on myself too much. I'm getting that back.

What I am also finally starting to see is that my story doesn't have to be your story. It can be different, even if people don't get it. That's okay. My story might have kids in it one day, but it will be a totally different route than many go, but I'm no stranger to going off the beaten path. Usually, that's the way I prefer it. 

D and I, our story has had a lot of life in in it, a lot of tears of joy and sadness and I know that it's only the beginning. So instead of feeling bad that I don't fit in, that I have lost connections, I am going to instead take advantage of the wonderful things D and I get to do, the places we get to go and the adventures we get to have.

We are always in our constant search of Narnia, of our perfect place and in many ways we have simply found that in each other. So no, our story is not love, marriage and baby. Maybe one day that will be a step in our story, but for right now...our story is us. The places we go, the things we see, the people we met and watching our relationship grow. 

I'm excited ( and a little scared, but who isn't?) about wherever life takes us and I'm proud of myself that I'm at that point. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cover Reveal: A Matter of Forever by Heather Lyons

You all should know this series is the BEST and I'm a wee bit obsessed with it. So YAY for the cover reveal for  Heather Lyons' A MATTER OF FOREVER!! A MATTER OF FOREVER is the fourth book, and conclusion, of her Fate Series. This is an upper YA/NA Fantasy series, and one not to be missed!!
A Matter of Forever Cover
  It all comes down to this . . .
 Chloe Lilywhite has struggled for years to find her footing in a series of dangerous and demanding worlds. Creator, first tier Council member, and one of the most powerful Magicals in existence, she was little more than one of Fate’s pawns. But now, Chloe is back home and ready to call the shots. She knows what she wants and who she wants to be. Except the Elders never got the memo. Annar and Magical-kind are under attack. The lives of Chloe’s loved ones, and life as they know it, are at stake. Chloe's the key to taking the Elders down, but they won't go quietly into the night. This time, neither will Chloe.

  Other books in the Fate Series: A Amtter of Fate

A Matter of Fate, Book 1 Chloe Lilywhite struggles with all the normal problems of a typical seventeen-year-old high school student. Only, Chloe isn’t a normal teenage girl. She’s a Magical, part of a secret race of beings who influence the universe. More importantly, she’s a Creator, which means Fate mapped out her destiny long ago, from her college choice, to where she will live, to even her job. While her friends and relatives relish their future roles, Chloe resents the lack of say in her life, especially when she learns she’s to be guarded against a vengeful group of beings bent on wiping out her kind. Their number one target? Chloe, of course. That’s nothing compared to the boy trouble she’s gotten herself into. Because a guy she’s literally dreamed of and loved her entire life, one she never knew truly existed, shows up in her math class, and with him comes a twin brother she finds herself inexplicably drawn to. Chloe’s once unyielding path now has a lot more choices than she ever thought possible.   Amazon Barnes & Noble
   A Matter of Heart
A Matter of Heart, Book 2 No longer in high school, Chloe Lilywhite is now living and working in Annar, the Magicals’ city-state plane of existence. Since moving, she’s joined the Council, gone on missions with the Guard, moved into her own apartment, and enrolled at the University of Annar. Plus, she’s happily engaged to be married to Jonah Whitecomb, the literal man from her dreams, not to mention her Connection. While she still struggles with aspects of her craft, Chloe feels like she’s finally coming into her own, especially after a difficult year that had her questioning nearly everything in her life. After a brutal attack by the Elders, her life is turned upside down once more. Accusations fly throughout the Council and Guard, forcing Chloe to confront her worst fears about what’s she’s capable of as a Creator. And then there’s the matter of Kellan Whitecomb, Jonah’s twin brother and Chloe’s ex, who resurfaces after disappearing months before. Although Chloe chose Jonah, and despite their best efforts, the two find it hard to stay away from one another. But no matter what Fate throws at her, Chloe is determined to take charge of her life, even as it begins to spiral out of control.   Amazon Barnes & Noble
  A MAtter of Truth
A Matter of Truth, Book 3 Not long ago, Chloe Lilywhite seemingly had it all: a prized spot on the Magicals’ Council as lead Creator, a loving fiancé and Connection, and a wealth of good friends. But the poised young woman she projected was nothing more than a façade. Her parents all but disowned her. Power plays and accusations of murder within the Council rocked her confidence. And most difficult of all, her secret, a secondary Connection to Jonah’s twin brother, Kellan, became painfully impossible to resist. Desperate to gain control over her rapidly unraveling existence, Chloe did the unthinkable: she ran away. Now living and working in Alaska under an alias, Chloe is slowly discovering who she is and, more importantly, who she wants to be. But the more she tries to leave the Magical world behind, the harder it becomes to stay hidden. The Elders are back with a vengeance, and the stakes have never been higher. Chloe finally has to make a choice: embrace her pre-ordained Fate or pave her own way in the worlds. One thing’s for sure, though—she’s finally up for the challenge. *This is a New Adult title, suitable for readers 18+. Amazon Barnes & NobleAMoF Series Banner3   Author Photo
About Heather Lyons: 
 Heather Lyons has always had a thing for words—She’s been writing stories since she was a kid. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. Heather is a rabid music fan, as evidenced by her (mostly) music-centric blog, and she’s married to an even larger music snob. They’re happily raising three kids who are mini music fiends who love to read and be read to.  


Monday, March 10, 2014

Cover Reveal: Silence by Natalee Grimaldi


Silence by Natalee Grimaldi Release Date: April 2014 Contemporary Romance(w/ a twist) Stand-Alone Novel, 18+

Cover Designed by
Cover It! Designs
Synposis PNGS

Haunted by unwanted memories, Isobel "Izzy" Walker has tried to move on and recover from a painful past.

When a chance encounter puts her on the same path as the reclusive musician Cain Ryan, neither will be able to deny the passionate sparks that ignite when they’re together.

But Izzy isn't the only one trying to salvage her life.

Cain is also struggling to fight free from the chains that hold his voice captive.

As both decide to give love a chance, they’ll work hard to truly move forward.

But the truth always comes out.

And the truth will be far more powerful than the love they've found.

Will silence consume their love, or can two stained souls face the truth?

Author Bio PNGS
 Born and raised in Los Angeles, Natalee’s first love was books and the close runner-up was music. An avid reader and book blogger/reviewer for Read This~Hear That, she can never resist a passionate love story with wicked twists that leave you on the verge of a panic attack. With her obsession for the written word, the soon to be 25-year-old chose a career in Journalism. Fresh out of college, she currently works as a freelance journalist as well as doing other odd jobs. When she’s not reading or writing (which seems to be all the time), Natalee loves snacking on Gummy Bears and watching Game of Thrones.
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